Welcome to groeidiagrammen.nl

This is the old JAMES site. It is not supported anymore, so do not use. Go to james.groeidiagrammen.nl for the current version. See you there. Stef.


The Joint Anthropometric Measurement and Evaluation Server (JAMES) is an experimental online resource for creating growth charts. The resource can be used by anyone interested in high-quality charts for monitoring and evaluating childhood growth.

This document explains how to set up communications with JAMES and provides some guidance in its use.


The growth charts in JAMES are programmed in R. JAMES makes these available through the OpenCPU system for scientific computing and reproducuble research. The system allows for easy integration of growth charts into any HTTP compliant client by means of OpenCPU’s API.


JAMES is currently located at url groeidiagrammen.nl. The sections below use curl for illustration, but any HTTP client will work.

In order to check whether the JAMES server is running, try generating some random numbers by calling stats::rnorm(), in a terminal window as follows,

curl https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/library/stats/R/rnorm/json --data n=5

[2.259, 0.0538, 1.0583, 0.8665, 0.8412]

What JAMES can currently do

JAMES currently can do the following:

  1. provide access to 342 high-quality growth charts used by the Dutch youth health care;
  2. accept child data in BDS-format;
  3. screen growth curves according to JGZ Richtlijn Lengtegroei 2019;
  4. create a personalized chart site with child’s data;
  5. create separate growth charts.

The text below explains these actions in more detail.

Available growth charts

Copy the following url into your browser to obtain an interactive overview of the available growth charts:


There are 342 different charts, each identified with a chartcode, a 4-7 character code identifying each design. The list_charts() function in JAMES function can produce a tabular overview. Obtain its help file as

curl https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/lib/james/man/list_charts/text

The list of growth charts can be created by the following request:

curl https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/lib/james/R/list_charts -d ""


which return a list of 8 urls created by OpenCPU. The table can be download by

curl https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/tmp/x045d183eddf2f4/R/.val/print

    chartgrp chartcode population    sex design  side language week
1     nl2010      HJAA         HS   male      A front    dutch
2     nl2010      HJAB         HS   male      A  back    dutch
3     nl2010      HJAH         HS   male      A   hgt    dutch
4     nl2010      HJAO         HS   male      A   hdc    dutch

The chart codes are compatible with the codes used in Talma et al. (2010).

Note that the session key x045d183eddf2f4 in the above example is specific to the call, and will be different for each session. Session keys and their url’s on the JAMES server will be removed after 24 hours.

Posting BDS data to JAMES

Sending the child’s data as a JSON file

Suppose that the child’s data are coded according to the specification BDS JGZ 3.2.5, and converted into JSON format. The JAMES server contains the following example:

curl https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/library/james/testdata/client3.json

Save the file client3.json on your local system by

curl https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/library/james/testdata/client3.json -O

which produces a file called client3.json in your work directory.

For testing purposes, you may change its values (but please keep the general structure intact) and re-upload it to JAMES for analysis.

The following curl command re-uploads and converts the file client3.json from BDS format into an R object of S4 class minihealth::individual:

curl -F '[email protected]' https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/library/james/R/convert_bds_ind


An print version of the result is stored in

curl https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/tmp/x06938035d05dac/R/.val/print

An object of class "individual"
Slot "child":
data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows

Slot "time":
data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows

Slot "id":
[1] 0

Slot "name":
[1] "fa308134-069e-49ce-9847-ccdae380ed6f"

Slot "dob":
[1] "11-10-18"

Slot "src":
[1] "1234"

Slot "dnr":
[1] NA

Slot "sex":
[1] "female"

Slot "etn":
[1] "NL"

Slot "edu":
[1] NA

Slot "ga":
[1] 27

Slot "bw":
[1] 990

Slot "twin":
[1] NA

Slot "agem":
[1] NA

Slot "smo":
[1] 0

Slot "hgtm":
[1] 1670

Slot "wgtm":
[1] NA

Slot "hgtf":
[1] 1900

Slot "wgtf":
[1] NA

Slot "bfexc06":
[1] NA

Slot "durbrst":
[1] NA

Slot "hgt":
package: clopus, library: clopus::nl1997 , member: nl1997.fhgtNL 
     age  hgt     hgt.z
1 0.0849 38.0 -7.943717
2 0.1670 43.5 -6.385568

Slot "wgt":
package: clopus, library: clopus::nl1997 , member: nl1997.fwgtNL 
     age  wgt     wgt.z
1 0.0849 1.25 -8.583512
2 0.1670 2.10 -6.581767

Slot "hdc":
package: clopus, library: clopus::nl1997 , member: nl1997.fhdcNL 
     age  hdc     hdc.z
1 0.0849 27.0 -7.548492
2 0.1670 30.5 -6.066642

Slot "bmi":
package: clopus, library: clopus::nl1997 , member: nl1997.fbmiNL 
     age      bmi     bmi.z
1 0.0849  8.65651 -5.719143
2 0.1670 11.09790 -3.766751

Slot "wfh":
No reference
   hgt  wfh wfh.z
1 38.0 1.25    NA
2 43.5 2.10    NA

Slot "bs.hgt":
package: donordata, model: donordata::smocc_bs , member: hgt 
      age      hgt     hgt.z
1  0.0000 37.63782 -6.929621
2  0.0767 38.73560 -7.445715
3  0.1533 42.68033 -6.591987
4  0.2500 46.91763 -5.895737
5  0.3333 50.40139 -5.332599
6  0.5000 55.73412 -4.619819
7  0.6250 58.76424 -4.255843
8  0.7500 61.29885 -4.003211
9  0.9167 63.95774 -3.879229
10 1.1667 67.36804 -3.820196
11 1.5000 71.67160 -3.603667
12 2.0000 77.18910 -3.270500
13 3.0000 90.09290 -1.771377

Slot "bs.wgt":
package: donordata, model: donordata::smocc_bs , member: wgt 
      age        wgt     wgt.z
1  0.0000  0.9056132 -9.006665
2  0.0767  1.2496280 -8.454686
3  0.1533  1.9393741 -6.894393
4  0.2500  2.8894599 -5.392084
5  0.3333  3.5923136 -4.653004
6  0.5000  4.9277774 -3.525314
7  0.6250  5.5292387 -3.306713
8  0.7500  6.1150749 -3.054297
9  0.9167  6.6887088 -2.946767
10 1.1667  7.3461849 -2.920375
11 1.5000  8.2449663 -2.680337
12 2.0000  9.2358047 -2.608811
13 3.0000 10.7343002 -2.773075

Slot "bs.hdc":
package: donordata, model: donordata::smocc_bs , member: hdc 
      age      hdc     hdc.z
1  0.0000 24.74355 -8.185195
2  0.0767 27.30185 -7.188857
3  0.1533 30.11832 -6.148961
4  0.2500 32.12195 -5.860350
5  0.3333 34.30669 -5.121962
6  0.5000 36.13303 -5.082818
7  0.6250 37.72714 -4.571027
8  0.7500 38.47569 -4.519543
9  0.9167 39.62832 -4.234684
10 1.1667 40.34018 -4.247731
11 1.5000 41.79837 -3.710716
12 2.0000 42.51795 -3.634945
13 3.0000 43.21616 -3.808453

Slot "bs.bmi":
package: donordata, model: donordata::smocc_bs , member: bmi 
      age       bmi     bmi.z
1  0.0000  9.191473 -3.230867
2  0.0767  9.055411 -5.031675
3  0.1533 10.752560 -4.023688
4  0.2500 12.188298 -3.201624
5  0.3333 13.524967 -2.264696
6  0.5000 13.881065 -2.343775
7  0.6250 13.829450 -2.527176
8  0.7500 14.487793 -1.969734
9  0.9167 14.597060 -1.853467
10 1.1667 14.419768 -1.878160
11 1.5000 14.525894 -1.568160
12 2.0000 14.376370 -1.485082
13 3.0000 13.781281 -1.783393

Slot "bs.wfh":
Broken stick model not found.
  hgt wfh wfh.z
1  NA  NA    NA

The child’s data on the server may be used for plotting on growth charts.

Sending the child’s data as a JSON string

If desired, the child’s data may be sent by a JSON string instead of a file. The following code assumes that utility jq is installed.

First, make the json file into a JSON string, with double quotes (") properly escaped.

var=$(jq '.' client3.json | jq -sR '.')
echo $var

Then paste into into the call to the OpenCPU server:

curl https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/library/james/R/convert_bds_ind -d "txt=$var"

The results of the string- and file-methods are identical.

Screen growth curves relative to the JGZ Richtlijn Lengtegroei 2019

The JGZ Richtlijn Lengtegroei 2019 is a guideline for referral to general physician or paediatrician of children with unusual height growth (short or tall).

The referral rules are implemented in the JAMES function screen_curves(). The function takes as input either

The first option uploads the data and performs the growth screening. Suppose we send the data as a JSON string.

var=$(jq '.' client3.json | jq -sR '.')
curl https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/library/james/R/screen_curves -d "txt=$var"

The URL ending in (R/.val) contain a JSON string with the results of the screening, as a JSON string

{"UrlGroeicurven":"https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/lib/james/www/?ind=https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/tmp/x0da0eeda3260d8/","Resultaten":[{"Categorie":1,"CategorieOmschrijving":"Lengte","Code":31,"CodeOmschrijving":"Het advies volgens de JGZ-richtlijn lengtegroei is als volgt: In principe geen verwijzing nodig, naar eigen inzicht handelen.","Richtlijn":101,"Leeftijd0":"20181111","Leeftijd1":"20181211"}]}

Pasting the URL returned in UrlGroeicurven into the browser starts a dedicated web site with the child data.

As before, we may do the same thing by uploading the JSON file (instead of a JSON string) with the data:

curl -F '[email protected]' https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/library/james/R/screen_curves

If the data is already uploaded, use the location arguement to point to the data:

curl https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/library/james/R/screen_curves -d "location='https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/tmp/x06938035d05dac/'"

The current screen_curves() function implements height screening guidelines.

Request a dedicated url to the chart site

The child’s data can be plotted on any of the available charts using a child chart site. There are three ways to choose which chart is being plotted:

  1. JAMES picks a default chart;
  2. The developer provides a chartcode parameter;
  3. The end user manipulates the interactive controls.

Options 1 and 2 determine the first chart that shown to the end user.

Site with default chart

The default chart picked by JAMES is currently hard-wired as the child’s height chart that contains the most recent measurements. If the child is a pre-term (gestational age <= 36 weeks) and younger than 4 years, then JAMES chooses the appropriate preterm chart.

The chart site with the default start can be started by combining the uploaded data and the main site at (https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/lib/james/www/) as

curl "https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/lib/james/www/?ind=https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/tmp/x06938035d05dac/"

Pasting this url in your browser starts the site with the child’s data.

Site with developer-specified chart

Starting the site at a given growth chart is possible by specifying the chartcode parameters. For example, we may initialize the site at chart PMAAN27 by

curl "https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/lib/james/www/?ind=https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/tmp/x06938035d05dac/&chartcode=PMAAN27"

The site now starts with PMAAN27 instead of PMAHN27. Any chart can be chosen. It is the responsability of the developer that the choice is sensible given the child’s data.

Site with user-specified chart

After the site is started the end user may change the chart on which the data are drawn by simply using the site controls.

Requesting a single growth chart

Requesting a single growth chart can be done through the main JAMES chart drawing function is draw_chart().

The draw_chart() function does not yet support the creation of single graphs. The draw_chart_bds() and draw_chart_ind() are temporary specialty functions that can do this. The functions are documented in

curl https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/lib/james/man/draw_chart/text
##   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
##                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100  4168    0  4168    0     0  26365      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 26379
## draw_chart                package:james                R Documentation
## Draw growth chart
## Description:
##      The function draw_chart() can read data from an input location
##      from a previous call, calculate the chartcode, and plot the
##      individual data on the requested growth chart.
##      The function draw_chart_bds() convert bds data into an object of
##      class individual, and then draws the individual data on the
##      requested growth chart.
##      The function draw_chart_ind() expect an input location from a
##      previous call, and plots the individual data on the requested
##      growth chart.
## Usage:
##      draw_chart(bds_data = NULL, ind_loc = NULL, selector = c("derive",
##        "data", "chartcode"), chartcode = NULL, chartgrp = NULL,
##        agegrp = NULL, sex = NULL, etn = NULL, ga = NULL, side = "hgt",
##        curve_interpolation = TRUE, dnr = c("smocc", "terneuzen",
##        "lollypop.preterm", "lollypop.term"), lo = NULL, hi = NULL,
##        nmatch = NULL, exact_sex = TRUE, exact_ga = FALSE,
##        break_ties = FALSE, show_realized = FALSE, show_future = FALSE,
##        ...)
##      draw_chart_bds(txt = NULL, chartcode = NULL,
##        curve_interpolation = TRUE, ...)
##      draw_chart_ind(ind_loc = NULL, chartcode = NULL,
##        curve_interpolation = TRUE, ...)
## Arguments:
## bds_data: A JSON string, URL or file. Optional.
##  ind_loc: A url that points to the server location where the data from
##           a previous request to convert_bds_ind() are stored. Optional.
##           ind_loc takes priority over bds_data.
## selector: A string, either "derive", "data" or "chartcode", that
##           indicates the method to decide which growth chart is drawn.
##           Method "derive" (default) calculates the chart from
##           parameters chartgrp, agegrp, sex, etn, ga and side parameters
##           through the select_chart() function. Method "ind" calculates
##           the chart from the individual data. Method "chartcode" will
##           return the chart specified by the chartcode parameter.
## chartcode: The code of the requested growth chart, in the case the
##           selector == "chartcode".
## chartgrp: The chart group: 'nl2010', 'preterm', 'who' or character(0)
##   agegrp: Either '0-15m', '0-4y', '1-21y', '0-21y' or '0-4ya'. Age
##           group '0-4ya' provides the 0-4 chart with weight for age
##           (design E).
##      sex: Either 'male' or 'female'
##      etn: Either 'netherlands', 'turkish', 'moroccan' or 'hindustani'
##       ga: Gestionational age (in completed weeks)
##     side: Either 'front', 'back', '-hdc' or 'both'
## curve_interpolation: A logical indicating whether curve interpolation
##           shoud be applied.
##      dnr: A string with the name of the donor data (currently available
##           are smocc, terneuzen, lollypop.preterm or lollypop.term)
##       lo: Value of the left visit coded as string, e.g. "4w" or "7.5m"
##       hi: Value of the right visit coded as string, e.g. "4w" or "7.5m"
##   nmatch: Integer. Number of matches needed. When nmatch == 0L no
##           matches are sought.
## exact_sex: A logical indicating whether sex should be matched exactly
## exact_ga: A logical indicating whether gestational age should be
##           matched exactly
## break_ties: A logical indicating whether ties should broken randomly.
##           The default (TRUE) breaks ties randomly.
## show_realized: A logical indicating whether the realized growth of the
##           target child should be drawn
## show_future: A logical indicating whether the predicted growth of the
##           target child should be drawn
##      ...: For draw_chart_bds, additional parameter passed down to
##           fromJSON(txt, ...), new("xyz",... ) and new("bse",... ).
##           Useful parameters are models = "bsmodel" for setting the
##           broken stick model, or call = as.call(...) for setting proper
##           reference standards.
##      txt: A JSON string, URL or file
## Value:
##      tbd
## Author(s):
##      Stef van Buuren 2019
## See Also:
##      individual, select_chart
##      individual, select_chart process_chart
## Examples:
##      fn <- file.path(path.package("james"), "testdata", "client3.json")
##      g <- draw_chart_bds(txt = fn)

Use draw_chart_bds() to draw chart directly from the BDS data file.

curl -F '[email protected]' https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/library/james/R/draw_chart_bds


Download the growth chart as

curl -o mychart.svg https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/tmp/x0a862a7b6829a1/graphics/1/svg

or view it in the browser by paste the following into the url address field:


If the data are already uploaded, we may use draw_chart_ind(). Suppose we want to create the A4 chart for the child. We can do so by

curl https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/lib/james/R/draw_chart_ind -d "ind_loc='https://groeidiagrammen.nl/ocpu/tmp/x06938035d05dac/'&chartcode='PMAAN27'"


where we used the data previously stored from session x06938035d05dac.

As before, we may browse the graph by pasting the following in the address field of the browser:


or download it the the client’s system.

The functions draw_chart_bds() and draw_chart_ind() address special cases. When they are integrated in future versions of draw_chart(), both functions will be deprecated.

A client in R

If R is your analysis environment, then you can use the jamesclient package to achieve the same result in an easier way. The functions upload_bds() and request_chart() in jamesclient have simple syntax, and automate the steps outlined above. See https://github.com/stefvanbuuren/jamesclient for more detail.

Next steps

Still many things on the wish list:

Known problems



Work in progress. Direct suggestions and inquiries to Stef van Buuren (stef.vanbuuren at tno.nl), https://stefvanbuuren.name, https://github.com/stefvanbuuren.


Talma, H., Y. Schonbeck, B. Bakker, R.A. Hirasing, and S. van Buuren. 2010. Groeidiagrammen 2010: Handleiding Bij Het Meten En Wegen van Kinderen En Het Invullen van Groeidiagrammen. Leiden: TNO Kwaliteit van Leven.